City Tram Dresden
Mobile AR experience accompanying the launch exhibition of a new tram design for Dresden Transport Authority
Interaction design, ARKit coding

büro+staubach, Berlin

Public transport authority Dresden DVB
In January 2020, Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG unveiled the new tram design NGT DXDD by büro+staubach, dubbed City Tram Dresden, at Verkehrsmuseum Dresden. DVB had a life-size model of the front car and decided to complete it virtually with a companion AR app made available on handout iPads.

World-mapping was deployed to align the virtual model exactly with the physical one to allow for a seamless transition between the two.

To make the virtual model accessible over its full length of 43 meters within the constraints of the exhibition space, an animation function was added that moved the model forward when the user moved towards the rear end of the model.

To address the physical occlusion by the exhibition space's pillars, a location-dependent function was added to fade a virtual sky in and out.

Additionally, the AR experience contains spatial guidance to keep visitors within the exhibition area and aware of obstacles.